The Book of the Lost - Super Deluxe Edition

A newly released edition of The Book of the Lost. Limited hand numbered edition with The Book of the Lost digipack housed in a die-cut hand-numbered slip case, along with five new super glossy lobbycards, and five new badges. The Book of the Lost digpack itself contains a 10 track professionally pressed CD. A full colour four panel professionally printed digipack houses the CD and a 4 page lyric booklet.
Songs: 1. The Book of the Lost opening titles 2. "Back, I command you!" 3. Marsh Thing 4. "...the young men ... succumb to this turbulent rage.." 5. The Villagers 6. "Hey man, tell us more about these selkies..." 7. A Necklace of Shells 8. "But Justice, they have poisoned him..." 9. Middlewitch Lake 10. The Book of The Lost Instrumental theme.
The Book of the Lost was the result of a year-long collaboration between Emily Jones and The Rowan Amber Mill. The Book of the Lost is a complete soundtrack to a set of imaginary folk horror films and an accompanying TV series, and was born out of a shared love of classic '60s and '70s British horror films, and most especially, those of the genre loosely described as folk horror.
Reviews -
"Imaginary '70s and '80s Brit horror film themes. Romantic folk narratives with a dark-woods chill of pastoral melancholy. The die-cut limited edition (containing lobby cards for each film) is particularly lovely. ***" - MOJO magazine.
"Ambitiously complex.. (the music) features lashings of Paul Giovanni-style melodicism and Marc Wilkinson-inspired spookiness." - fRoots Magazine.
"An utterly spellbinding CD. The Book of the Lost spools out among the most intriguing, intense and, most of all, alluring CDs you'll hear all year." - Dave Thompson, Goldmine magazine.
"I haven't heard anything so evocative of a golden era of leftfield British films and music, even down to the Oliver Postgate-style narration. If you didn't know any different, you'd be adamant this is a lost soundtrack from a cult classic. Utterly brilliant, it deserves a huge audience." - Lee Trewhela, Western Morning News.